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Fixing WordPress Breakage After Changing the Address

Many users and designers have used WordPress to design their websites, and changing the domain address and even transferring data from Local to hosting has caused display issues for WordPress sites. To fix the WordPress display issue after changing the address, follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Log in to your hosting panel.
2. Enter your hosting management panel and click on the “PhpMyAdmin” option in the DATABASES section to access it.

After entering the database panel, click on the name of your database. (If you have forgotten the name of your database, you can find it in the public_html folder and in the wp-config.php file, which is connected to the site’s content). By clicking on the database name, all tables will be displayed to you. In the Table section, left-click on the wp_options table name.

The fields related to the options table will be displayed to you. Two rows, siteurl and home, are related to your site’s domain address. Use the Edit option to edit the rows in order and edit the name of your site in the option_value section.

Another method to change the domain name is to use the wp-config.php file. To do this, go to the public_html folder and open the wp-config.php file using the Edit option. Place the following code before the “That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.” instructions:

define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://yourwebsite.com/’ );
define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://yourwebsite.com/’ );

Replace https://yourwebsite.com with your domain name and save the file. Then refresh your site to resolve the issue.

Fixing WordPress Breakage After Changing the Address

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